About Course
In this course, you will define your perfect Avatar and learn how to choose the ideal customer. You will learn to find the ideal client you need to turn your business into a success. You will learn about a Value Proposition and the meaning of an Elevator Pitch. You will create your Unique Value Proposition and your Unique Selling Proposition. You will create a logline and an Elevator Pitch. You will learn to create a sales letter and create all your marketing and sales material.
you will learn to create a secret sales formula, strategy, and negotiation. We will define the lifetime and value of your customer. We will also calculate how much money you need to attract that new Avatar.
You will learn to start your own campaign, it can be a Facebook campaign, a mailing campaign, a Google AdWords campaign, an Instagram campaign, you decide. You will start a campaign using the formula because now you will know exactly how much money you can spend per Upton, per click, per lead, per prospect, and per sale. It’s very important to know how much money you can spend on everything before we get started with the formula.
In this course, we’ll explore the customer journey and marketing and your positioning toolbox. The customer journey will be the most important part of today, and what your customer has to go through, what they’re thinking, and what they’re feeling in every phase of the buying and pre–buying process. We’re going to set your personal goals, business goals, family goals, sales goals, and goals for everything involved in the customer journey. The goals for clicks, video views, and everything you can imagine. I want this course to be the last marketing course you’ll ever need. That means it’s not going to be slow, instead it will be fast-paced. We will concentrate on online marketing and concepts you can apply to create your perfect money funnel and a functional marketing campaign.
In this course, we’re going to talk about sales copy for video scripts, remarketing, sales, social media, posting, and absolutely everything that you can imagine. You are in the marketing mastery training program; the last marketing course you will ever need. We’re going to explore the definitions first.
Course Content
14:29 -
Define Your Avatar
10:35 -
Discover Your Avatar
23:35 -
Find Your Avatar = Segmentation